Monday, June 6, 2022

Land Of The Fairies


We are staying at Kejumsjik National Park in Nova Scotia which is directly east of Arcadia State Park in Maine. We had to drive north to get to the top of the bay of Fundy and then south again to get here. The bay of Fundy is geographically situated in such a way that it experiences the highest tide in the world (about 12 feet). We found a pink lady slipper on our hike called Hemlock and Hard Woods. Kejumsjik is a native word for "Land of the Fairies"

Kejumsjik is a beautiful part just like Nova Scotia.

We hiked along the river.

This is the largest hemlock tree in the park. At this park we heard a pair of barred owls calling, a pair of loons calling, ovenbirds, least fly catchers, veery and wood thrush.

Today we took down the tent only to find a big spider had made a home under the rain flap. With much encouragement and physical nudging, the spider left.

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