Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Moody Gardens

I had an amazing day at Moody Gardens in Galveston today. I got there right at 10 when it opened and left at 4 when it closes. A nice man helped me buy my tickets. He said to come back for  help at anytime. I went through the aquarium and he said I came out too fast, I must have missed a part. The staff helped me find my way and it was true, I had missed the best part where you walk under the aquarium. I saw a frog from Lake Titicaca! My package included 3 movies. I went over to the other pyramid to see a movie. The first movie was about great white sharks. The second movie was about wings over the water. Michael Keaton narrated the story about the migration of a yellow warbler, mallard ducks and sand hill cranes. I came out of there and was headed to my car for a picnic lunch when who is waving hello to me again? The same guy who sold me my ticket. He was having lunch. I ate lunch outside and went back in to see another movie. This was a movie about Mogli and I love the Jungle Book. With the 3D glasses water hits my face as the elephant sneezed. I came out of there and son of a gun, there he is again. I asked him about my ticket. He said I could see another movie in the pink pyramid. So I scoot over there right quick. Here is 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea movie. The doors open and we are in two smaller rooms with periscopes, submarine steering wheels, old lobster traps, old skin diving helmets, lots of thick rope, an old fashioned telephone and telegraph, an old piano and an old desk, and an old pair of rubber boots. When the doors open we are given our 3D glasses and take seats on leather seats. I sit in the front row. The movie starts. The sides of the room have windows like a submarine would. Soon the movie starts. I feel wind lift my skirt and hit me in the back of my head. Did someone touch me on my right shoulder blade? This is interactive theater. The guide is in the room with us and running back and forth. Lightening flashes and thunder roars. I was laughing out loud and so were the other grandma, her daughter and her 3 year old grandson. After that I walked back through the aquarium again. The lady standing by the manta rays remembers me because I got splashed. She had water in her ear and her book got wet. I see stuff I missed before. Moody Gardens is kinda pricy but is a boat load of fun! I will load more pictures when I get to better Wi-Fi.


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