Thursday, January 28, 2010

Crazy Little Thing Called

A large part of my job is going to meetings. People have asked me how I can stand it. I really don't mind. I like people. Motivations fascinate me. Families are very interesting. Some people I talk to at meetings are seen at six month intervals. I've had this job 22 years. I've been seeing some people every six months for 22 years. We make small talk about their cars, their pets, their grandchildren, their jobs, even their hair cuts. Not every meeting is pleasant. Some are definitely not pleasant and I dread their arrival. Others are a joy to attend. This week I went to a meeting and as I left the room I thought, "I can't believe they pay me to go to these." I love my job. I don't love every single minute of every single day but I can honestly say that I love my work. I'm good at it and I enjoy doing it. I'm staying here until I retire. I'm one of the lucky few who can actually say they love their job.

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