Sunday, January 17, 2010

Two Books You Could Read In A Single Afternoon

Erica Bauermiester wrote "The School Of Essential Ingredients." This short story is about a cooking school. We learn more about each of the students as the class progresses. I liked how the author emphasized the sensual aspect of eating. I wish I paid more attention to the smells and textures as I ate instead of just inhaling and getting on to the next project. This book will help you slow down and appreciate your food. You may never think of garlic in the same manner again.

James Patterson wrote this book with a children's author, Gabrielle Charbonnet. Typically James does mystery and crime novels. This book is a fantasy/romance. Reading it was like eating a mini-marshmallow when you wanted a meal. We read it in our book club and we tried to discuss it. The thing is, when you dissect a marshmallow, all you find is more marshmallow. You can read it in a single afternoon. It's better than watching the news but don't expect too much.

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