Saturday, November 11, 2023

Olga Lakela

Olga Lakela was born in Finland in 1890. She emigrated to the United States at the age of 16. She got a doctorate in botany at the U of M. She founded the herbarium at UMD and worked there from 1935 to 1958. She worked at another herbarium in Florida from 1960 until 1972. Today some members of the Arrowhead Region Native Plant Explorers mounted the plants we obtained from the Sax Zim bog for her herbarium. Most of the samples were taken this year in May but I mounted one from our trip in 2022 when my right boot punched through the bog and I almost lost my boot.

We blued on the printed information plus a little envelope in case any pieces of the plant came loose.

We used judicious amounts of Elmers Glue.

We had tea and snacks. I enjoyed working on this project with a dozen other adults.


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