While at sea I enjoyed several lectures in the jewel theater. I went to a couple by a travel writer. I went to a couple given by an Italian professor. One of hers was about the native cultures in middle America and one was about chocolate. This one was given by the German Engineer (left), the Venezuelan Captain of the ship (center) and the Indian hotelier (right). The audience asked many questions and I learned very much. The ship burns diesel fuel most of the time. In some cities (like Los Angeles) they are prohibited from burning diesel and must burn marine fuel instead. The transition to sustainable fuels is going to be very expensive. The cost for the Norwegian Joy to go through the Panama Canal was 1.2 million dollars. The ship has 10,000 blue bathing towels for 5,000 guests. The people who work on the ship are assigned to stay for six months at a time. Some of the younger workers are using this opportunity to learn English. Everyone I met was pleasant. Well, the one guy at the entrance to the restaurant on the 16th deck was annoying to me. He stood there with a tambourine in his hand singing "Washy Washy!." He sang I'll be washing you to the tune of I'll be watching you. He played all kinds of songs with washy instead of the regular words. After the third day of hearing this I got annoyed and tried to avoid him. I was already going to wash my hands. I didn't need to be told over and over and over again. The ship has 3 doctors, 1 nurse, and one medical assistant on board. The HR department takes care of their employees providing room, board, uniforms, classes, and shore excursions for them. In my opinion, the people enjoyed working on this ship.