Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

I want to start the new year out right so I am going to publicize my gratitude list. This is the list I review when I can't get to sleep at night.

A Africa - Wilderness Inquiry will be letting me know if the trip is on by tomorrow. The road to and from the airport are open and safe. The lodges and hotels are safe. The routes we are taking are away from the political strife. But even if the trip is cancelled due to rioting, I am grateful for this trip. I have learned a lot and met many interesting people because of my planned trip.

B Big sister. Cathy has been a huge influence in my life even though she died when I was 4 years old. Our relationship, although totally in my own mind for the last 50 years, is very close. She is an awesome big sister.

C Offspring #2. She is amazing and challenging. She can make me proud, comforted, provoked, sad, inspired, and amused in a single conversation.

D Dove milk chocolate in the foil wrappers with inspirational messages inside. I limit myself to only two per day - delicious.

E Electricity - to power my lights and my computer and my spinal stimulator.

F Family - my quiet/loud, crazy/restrained loveable family.

G Gregory - glad I married him and glad I divorced him, he gave me two beautiful children, life would have been boring without him.

H Health - I am grateful for my healthy body. I may walk like Walter Brennen but I have been able to do many things that other people cannot do. On the day I was married I carried a 20 gallon keg of beer out of the trunk, up three steps into the house, down a flight of open wooden stairs and put that keg into the laundry tub by myself. I regret doing that now but I was strong and I was able. I worked at nursing homes and I transferred people into bed and out of bed, into chairs, and into tubs. I walked 10-15 miles a week for many years. I delivered two healthy children. I am grateful for my health.

I Irony - I think it's really funny.

J Jack Pine - a scrubby evergreen that produces cones that can only be opened by a forest fire proving that good things can and do come from disasters.

K Knowledge - especially the information that reaches my brain before I put my foot into my mouth.

L - Leaves - I love the shapes and sizes of leaves. I love the huge leaves from my rhubarb plant, the leathery leaves from the red oak and I love the orange leaves in the fall. The new leaves that appear in the spring are inspiration to me.

M - Milk - a glass of skim milk heated up in microwave with just a little sugar free nestles quik is just what I needed after walking Blunder around the block today.

N - Nose - mine is cute although a little snubbed, allergy ridden and has a deviated septum. It smells good though.

O - Opportunities I have had in my life for a stable home life, a loving family, a great education, enough food, adequate shelter, excellent medical care, etc.

P - Pop. My first love was orange pop. I used to be a HUGE Tab fan. Then I transferred my allegiance to diet Coke. I went a couple years pop free but now I like Diet Pepsi with Lime.

Q Queen Elizabeth - I actually got to see her in person when we traveled to London. She wore a lime green dress and a lime green hat and carried a lime green bag. She always wears monochromatic outfits so her subjects can spot her more clearly. It wasn't until I saw her in person that I realized how much I like royalty.

R - Rod Stewart. I love you honey!

S - Offspring #2 My favorite Sailor of the Year. He's enigmatic, distant yet close, challenging, piercingly honest, insightful, appreciative and strong. He's always got my back.

T - Teeth - Since I started using ACT mouthwash 9 years ago, I have not had a single cavity.

U - UN - the goals of the UN are to maintain international peace and security, safeguard human rights, provide a mechanism for international law, promote social and economic progress, improve living standards and fight diseases.

V - violins - I never really appreciated violin music until my kids took up the instrument. Now I think violins make beautiful music and I pay attention to their sound when I listen to music.

W - water - I love being on the water in the summer in a boat, canoe, kayak, inner tube, or rubber raft. It doesn't matter as long a I can spend some time on the water.

X - Xerox - I am old enough to remember typing with carbon paper. I love the copy machine at work. It can sort, staple, collate, and punch holes plus lately it has been working great.

Y - Yellow - mix it with red to make my favorite color.

Z - ZZZZ - those little letters that float above me when I go to sleep. Those couple minutes between closing my eyes and going to sleep are my favorite minutes of the day.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...