Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's a Go (unless it isn't)

Wilderness Inquiry says their Kenyan sources say this trip will be as safe as the trips prior to the election. The places we are visiting are deep within the areas of the dominant tribe - the tribe who's incumbent has declared himself President. So those are the people who are happy with the outcome. The political rally today was much more peaceful than anticipated. Most of the time we will be in the wilderness where there is little media available. The first night we stay in Nairobi but it's actually a suburb called Livingston - much like Bloomington is a suburb of Minneapolis - an area where business people,upper class and middle class live and work. Normally we would have a tour of the city center but we are skipping that on this trip. So the short version is that I am still going unless something drastic happens between now and when my flight leaves on Saturday. I am sorry if I am worrying anybody. I apologize but I am still going. This trip is important to me. I was told it is expensive and time consuming to try and make international calls. If you are worried, I encourage you to talk to Andy - the very nice man who has helped arrange this trip. His sister is my guide. He will be in cell phone contact with her throughout the trip. You can reach him at 612-676-9412 or 612-396-3179 (cell). Don't hesitate to call him. He understands completely and will be glad to put your fears to rest.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...