Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Blessed Day

Today has been a blessed day. A good friend had surgery and was blessed with a positive outcome (oh, I hope you're not puking right now), the weather was wonderful, a huge bald eagle landed on a tree across Lake Achieve and waited until I got there before soaring across the pond and to the west, a kind coworker came and got me to show me the eagle which I really appreciate as my office has no windows to the outside, the dog has gained two pounds and is back up to her fighting weight because of the nutritional supplements I've been adding to her food (hard boiled eggs, yogurt, brown rice, peanut butter toast and cheese), I spent an hour outside tilling the soil and listening to the birds sing, and finally, no bills came in the mail today. All in all, it's been a blessed day. I learned something new about bald eagles today. They have risky sexual practices. Before mating, they fly way high up, join claws and free fall together, a$$ over teakettle, until the last possible moment when they separate and soar just seconds before they would hit the ground. Now that I would like to see.

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Book Of The Little Axe

 Lauren Frances-Sharma is the author of Book Of The Little Axe: A Novel. I just finished reading it today. The story starts out in the late ...