Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We had hail at our house the other day. I stood at the window to watch. Ice cubes were being thrown from the sky. As you can see from this picture, a piece of hail tore right through the leaf on my zinnia plant. The hail murdered one of my early boy tomato plants and one pepper plant. Most of the other plants are suffering but I think they will live. I am lucky not to have more damage. I read about a 2 year old boy being sucked out of the house and thrown into the swamp by a tornado. I really have to re-think my safety when it comes to hearing tornado sirens. The time to stand by the plate glass window is not when the siren sounds. When the siren sounds would be the time to listen to the news and go to safety if appropriate. I've had enough tree tops blown off near the house to know better. For some reason, I'm just not taking the sirens seriously lately. A friend of mine in Ramsey, just a few miles west of here, has significant hail damage on his house. Some pieces of hail pierced right through his gutters. He has gutter, roof and siding damage. I need to take Mother Nature more seriously.

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