Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm Not There

Last night I went to the Walker Art Cinema to see a movie and hear a discussion. The movie was "I'm Not There," and I was glad there was a discussion because I was very confused. The movie is about Bob Dylan, the enigmatic music performer. I am a fan. His recording of "Like a Rollingstone" is one of my favorite - always reminding me of my Aunt Annie. Because Bob Dylan is such an enigma, it takes six characters to describe him. This isn't your typical movie. One of the characters is a black child and another is a woman - not people who would automatically come to mind when describing Bob Dylan. The director introduces all six in the beginning of the film and then has us going back and forth through time as each character describes the life of Bob Dylan. Cate Blanchette disappears into the character to the point where I don't even see her anymore. She was awesome. One thing about Bob - he is a heavy smoker. I saw so many cigarettes smoked last night that my own chest was hurting. I found it easier to not try and figure things out during the movie but instead relax and take it all in. I think it's one of those movies where every time you see it you would learn something new. Two Thumbs up for "I'm Not There."

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...