Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Morning Sun Was Rising Like A Orange Rubber Ball

Did you see the sun rising this morning? I drive south and east on my way to work but it wasn't until I crested the top of the hill where eastbound Hwy. 10 goes over University Avenue in Blaine that I saw it. The sun took my breath away. The sun looked at least 1/3 larger than any sun I had ever seen before. I felt frightened at the large size until I reassured myself that it's an optical illusion because the sun is just above the horizon. I spoke to a man at work about it. He saw it too. He though the sun looked ominous - that something bad was sure to happen today. So far so good for me. And the sunrise yesterday was awesome in it's beauty as well. The sky started out to be candy apple red with tints of orange and yellow. As time went on the sky colors turned pastel with pink, peach, orange, and gold. A coworker at lunch today told me the the fall and spring sun rises and sun sets are typically more beautiful than summer or winter. Is that true in your experience? I see more sun rises in the spring and the fall because of my commute. I'll have to pay attention to see if the spring and fall sun rises and sunsets are more beautiful.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...