Friday, November 21, 2008

Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse

I just finished reading an old classic, "Steppenwolf" by Herman Hesse. Hesse is a German author and a steppenwolf is German for wolf of the steppes. Here in Minnesota, we'd probably name it Timberwolf. The story is of a man who thinks he has two beings inside of him. One of his beings is a man and the other one is a wolf. He thinks he's part wolf because sometimes he wants to be alone and feels like growling at people who intrude his space. In truth, sometimes I want to be alone and sometimes I also feel like growling at certain people so maybe I am a Steppenwolf too. After reading this book, I think the author must have been doing some drugs during his writing. Some parts reminded me of Alice in Wonderland. The main character drinks small glasses of liqueur and smokes hand rolled cigarettes and suddenly his world gets magical. At the end of the book the character goes through a series of rooms that totally sounded like the Holodecks on Star Trek. You remember Holodecks? They were enclosed entertainment rooms where the environments, down to every last detail like temperature and smells and colors, were simulated and capable of interaction. At the end of the book, the main character comes out a better man; improved because of his experiences and more aware of his strength and weaknesses. Steppenwolf was a good book.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...