Thursday, December 10, 2009

Almost Moon

I've read books by Alice Sebold before. I read "Lovely Bones." Loved it. I read "Lucky." Loved it. So when I saw this "Almost Moon" on the library table, I thought I would be in line for another good book. Wrong. From the first paragraph, I did not like the main character. I really didn't like her. By the end of the first chapter I decided not to finish the book; that is how much I didn't like her. I felt the same way as I read through all the chapters. Now that I finished the book, I still really don't like her. I don't know why I finished the book. Unlikeable characters are strangely compelling. Helen Knightly was her name. Her job? A nude art class model. She's a terrible, broken person. Don't bother reading it.

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