Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Revolutionary Road

I finished this book today called "Revolutionary Road." This book was made into a movie with the same title starring Leonardo Di Caprio (who looks JUST like Offspring #1) and Kate Winslet. The story involves a young couple by the name of Frank and Lisa Wheeler. Each brings to their marriage a version of the marital difficulties of their parents. Both of them are harsh critics and finger pointers. If I thought everyone thought like this couple thought - the world would be a very harsh place. Their story is sad and fascinating. Both seek escape from feeling trapped. Revolutionary Road is a street in a fashionable section of Connecticut where other young married couples raise their children in the mid 1950's - a time when gender roles were rigid. If a woman like Lisa Wheeler wants to make a point that Frank isn't keeping up with his manly role, she puts on his shirt and mows the lawn so the neighbors can see her doing "his job" while he recovers from a hangover. The book was good. I plan to put the movie in my Netflix queue.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...