Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Voted for Cake

Today at work we had our annual cake decorating contest.  I am not really sure how this got started but people have been bringing in cakes for a few years now.  I haven't participated except to vote.  I don't even eat the cake.  I'm trying to avoid those nasty sweet carbs.  This year we had only 4 entries.  One was a deviled egg cake.  The top looked like a deviled  egg of some giant bird; possibly from Sesame Street.  One was a Wild cake.  It looked like an ice rink.  I thought the hockey nets made out of Twizler candy was quite imaginative.  One was a construction cake.  It was made by one fellow's wife who has taken cake decorating classes.  This cake had green coconut grass, brown sugar earth,  bridge mix boulders plus some toy bulldozers.  The construction cake won the contest.  But the one I voted for was really "outside the box" and submitted by our property management staff.  Very pretty in pink and white, he submitted a urinal cake.

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The Winter People

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