Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tighty Whities

Yesterday at work we had a heating problem.  Our conference room was at 60 degrees.  I brought a cup of tea to keep myself warm.  One person at the meeting started out comfortable but grew cold after about 20 minutes.  She told us she was cold and then drew a pair of "Handerpants" out of her purse and proceeded to put them on.  She said she got them for Christmas.  "Tighty whities for your hands?," I asked, "Handerwear?"  We all enjoyed her handerpants.  And then we got back to business and started discussing some heavy topics.  Every time this woman spoke she gestured with her hands and I had to suppress myself.  It wasn't easy.  I could not take a thing she said seriously while she wore those handerpants.  It was all I could do not to laugh out loud.  Even their website is funny.  Only $11.95 plus shipping.  Here is what handerpants can do for you:
  • Fits Most Hands
  • Breathable Cotton
  • Form Fitting
  • Prevents Chafing
  • Absorbs Sweat
  • Distracts Enemies
  • Non Toxic
  • Great For Jazz Hands
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    The Winter People

      I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...