Monday, November 18, 2013

The Time It Takes To Fall

I read The Time It Takes To Fail by Margaret Lazarus Dean.  The book went fast; like a row of ritz crackers from a sleeve, the story was gone before I knew I was nearing the end.  A teenaged girl named Delores is the main character.  Her Dad works for NASA and she lives in Florida near Cape Canaveral.  Delores is scientifically gifted and she promoted to high school early.  She is a leader of her friends.  As her parent's marriage falters she is given more responsibility over her little sister.  Someday she wants to be an astronaut until she, along with the rest of the nation, sees the Challenger disaster. I also remember the Challenger.  It was the first time I heard about O-rings.  (O-rings - so redundant, like there would be N rings or P-rings.  Of course they're O-rings). A faulty O-ring is why the Challenger expedition failed.  Delores struggles because she isn't allowed to be a child or a high school student.  She is expected to pick up the duties her mother neglects when Mom moves out of the house to "find herself."  This is a good story.  I get a good feeling about Delores.  She is strong and smart.  I think she is going to make it. 


Cajo said...

There are also D rings. They're shaped like Ds.

Anonymous said...

What really? Never heard of them.

The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...