Tuesday, February 4, 2014

No Challenge

In the past I've participated in the Friends of the Mississippi River event called the Mississippi River Challenge.  This year the FMR decided not to hold the challenge because it took too much energy and staff time away from the focus of protecting the Mississippi River.  I get that.  The Challenge took a huge amount of time and effort and volunteers.  FMR made the two day paddle a pleasant experience for us.  We had great food, great music, and friendly volunteers to help us shove off and paddle in.  But when you have 300 to 400 paddlers taking in and putting out on the same riverbank, damage is done.  The bank gets muddy and erodes.  Just because the Mississippi River Challenge won't happen in 2014 doesn't mean I can't paddle those same waters.  I'll just have to arrange for my own food and transportation and support.

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