Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Eagle Has Landed (I'm pretty sure)

Last week a coworker said he thought the eagles were nesting at the nest on Highway 10 just east of Main Street by Lowe's Hardware.  Exciting news!  This is the time of year for eagles to be sitting on their eggs.  The DNR has a bald eagle webcam and I've been watching that eagle sit on eggs surrounded by a ring of snow.  So I've been straining my eyes every time I pass the nest looking for a white head to show.  And until today I have not seen one.  Maybe they made the nest deeper than other years so I couldn't see it over the edge.  Today I saw an eagle standing up on the nest and rearranging itself.  Yahoo! I didn't actually see the eggs but why else would the eagle be there? Successful nesting attempt by MY eagles - meaning the nest I pass at least twice a day!  I've been worried about them. I thought someone may have disturbed the nest and they wouldn't be back.  I'm happy to be wrong about that.  Eagles sitting on the nest!  Can spring be far behind? 

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...