Monday, May 26, 2014

Morels at Afton

It was a 3/4 hike from the parking lot to the campsite.  The last 1/4 mile was a very steep uphill slope.  Offspring #2 stopped to rest and look what she saw!  A morel!  Fungi right next to the path!

So I told everyone to keep their eyes out for morels.  We were foragers!

We opened up the morels to make sure the stems were hollow and bug free.  We chased out 3 bugs, rinsed them in water, and cooked them on the campfire in tinfoil with butter, salt and pepper.  Everybody had some.  All (but one) agreed they were delicious.  Our youngest camper said they were "Okay."  He's not much of a mushroom fan but he tried it, I give him credit for doing that.  How many people would eat something foraged from the woods and with bugs inside it?

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...