Friday, May 9, 2014

So Orange

Something orange caught my eye this morning as I was rushing around packing my lunch and getting ready for work.  Something so vividly orange was on the birdfeeder that I could not look away.  I focused my old eyes on the orange shape.  Before I could focus on that I focused on the brown shape behind the orange shape.  A deer had thrown it's head over it's back and was scratching an itch with it's mouth.  Back to the orange.  A BALTIMORE ORIOLE!  A Baltimore Oriole was enjoying that generic grape jelly that I put out on Sunday.  Oh, how beautiful!  How lovely!  How deliciously orange this bird is!  Is this my favorite bird?  Yes (until I see the next cool bird anyway).  What a nice treat to have a bird so beautiful and so orange in my yard.  Note to self:  put grape jelly on the grocery list.

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