Friday, November 14, 2014


One thing I DO like about the snow on the ground is the evidence it leaves of who has been walking around in my yard.  Some bird hops back and forth, back and forth, between the black spruce tree and the space under the gutter on the corner of my house.  One of the feral cats that roam my neighborhood uses my footsteps to travel from my front door around the side of my house next to the chicken coop and from there it heads over toward the compost pile.  A deer steps on my front sidewalk and travels through the sumac towards the woods.  Another deer goes up my driveway and walks on the mown path toward the house. The squirrel tracks between the crab apple tree and other spots in the yard make the tree look like the center of a wagon wheel. These four creatures have left evidence and I haven't even been out looking for them.  I have avoided the outside world as much as possible because it's so cold outside.  I have to take care of my chickens and that forces me to go outside.  This weekend I will do more exploring for evidence of creatures.  Maybe I'll find some Sasquatch prints!

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...