Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Compost Thief

I've been busy today getting ready for the holiday.  Cleaning, baking and cooking took up most of my time.  As I worked I watched the gray squirrels gathering the last of the crab apples from the trees.  The last apples are the hardest to get because they're at the very end of the branches.  As the squirrel progresses down the branch, the weight of the squirrel makes the branch hang lower and lower and lower until the squirrel is completely vertical.  This vertical position makes it hard for the squirrel to let go, grab a crab apple, cram it in it's mouth and walk backwards up the branch again. Sometimes they loose their grip and fall to the snowy ground. As I work I keep adding things to the compost bucket on my deck.  I add things like onion skins, potato peelings, celery trimmings, egg shells, and apple cores.  Suddenly I hear a knock at the deck door.  There on the deck is a squirrel peering in the deck door.  Before it leaves the squirrel grabs a honey crisp apple core from the compost bucket.  I guess that makes sense.  A honey crisp core has a lot sweeter and fresher fruit on it than some dried up crab apple hanging on the very end of the branch.  I don't think it's necessary for the squirrel to knock on my deck door though.  Was it expecting more from me?

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...