Saturday, June 6, 2015


We had a great night herping.  Two experienced herpers and one very competent newby went out on the Kroschel frog and toad survey near Mora last night.  Although the sky was fairly clear we never saw the moon on the route because it didn't rise until the route was over and we were on our way home.  We heard frogs at every stop.  Tree frogs were the most common singers but we also heard spring peepers, chorus frogs and American toads.  We also heard veerys calling from a close distance and winnowing snipe.  At several stops fire flies lit up the night sky.  Some hovered just above the grass and others hung out at the tree top level.  The night was beautiful and full of life.  I am amazed how much energy frogs put into propagating their species.  I wonder how similar we humans are to animals.  I've read that Genghis Khan had between 1,000 and 2,000 children. He doesn't seem frog like to me.  Sperm donors had many children but I think they're in it for the money more than passing on their genes.  Brigham Young had many offspring with multiple wives.  Jim Bob and Michell Duggar also have many children.  I can't pretend to understand the motivations involved with them but I suspect it is more complex than frogs croaking in the swamps last night.

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