Monday, July 6, 2015

Another Song Memorized

While enjoying the bonfires this weekend there were two birds I wanted to figure out.  One of them sings "Ee-oh-lay" in a flute like voice.  That made me think of a thrush because robins and veerys are thrushes and they make similar sounds.  Woot Woot!  I was right.  What we were hearing sing "Ee-oh-lay" is a wood thrush.  I've seen wood thrushes in my yard before hopping on the ground like  a robin and moving leaves aside to eat insects.  So maybe I still don't know what the other bird is but I got one figured out and I even correctly guessed it was in the thrush family.  The other bird sounds mechanical and I can't even begin to describe it except the word unpleasant comes to mind.  Maybe it's not even a bird.  I know it's not a frog but maybe it's a loud bug.

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