Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Things I Saw Walking Around The Block Last Night

This cow!  Is that a solar panel on the forehead?

I can hear them ripping the grass.  The best grass seems to be just beyond the fence.

Two horses stand guard.  The rest eat in peace.

America's next top model.

This is not the best photo of a common yellow throat but this is the best look I've ever had of one of these elusive birds.  They sing "witchety witchety witchety."

What is your favorite chocolate?  White, milk or dark?

Should I have painted two black lines between those 3 windows upstairs?

The rolling hills prevent the sinking sun from lighting up the entire field.

I love these rolling hills.

I took a right on 480th.  Wait now.  How long has this street sign been here?

The school house road.

Are these tiger lilies?  I haven't seen one of these for years.

Blooming Milkweed.  If there wasn't so much poison ivy between me and this plant I would have looked for monarch eggs.

The timing of the rain has been fortunate this year.  All crops look lush.

Oats!  Yum!

Soybeans!  Yum!

Such a relaxing walk.

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