Friday, July 24, 2015

Holy Unlikelyhood!

Today I met a man at a meeting at work.  I don't want to give away his entire name but his last name was Gordon.  I shake his hand and bite my tongue so I don't say, "Any relationship to the Commissioner?"  Did I watch too much Batman on television in the 1960's?  Possibly.  Probably.  Yes.  Yes, I did.  Throughout our two hour meeting I get glimpses of him.  He has thick black hair trimmed short.  He is on the shorter side and he looks fit. He's probably still in his 20's. He wears dress pants and a dress shirt.  The edge of a tattoo shows discretely under the cuff of his right sleeve.  His sentences are short, sincere, and to the point. When I think about it, he does resemble the sidekick Robin!  Maybe, since family name is Gordon, his father is Robin and his mother was Bat Girl. Holy Impregnability! What could have happened is that one dark and foggy night in Gotham City, Bat Girl and Robin got carried away while still wearing their masks.  Holy Lovebirds!  Bat Girl got pregnant and never told Robin.  Holy Special Delivery!  Robin doesn't know who Bat Girl really is (secret - she is Commissioner Gordon's daughter) and Bat Girl doesn't know who Robin is (secret - Bruce Wayne's legal ward).  Holy Romeo and Juliet! This guy I met grew up in the Gordon household never knowing his father was a crime fighting side kick and his mother was Bat Girl.  Holy Missing Relatives!  Since he is the grandson of a police commissioner, his family is wealthy and that is why he went into the human services field.  See?  I got it all figured out while appearing to be engaged and focusing on the meeting.  Holy Masquerade!  I know I will, most likely, see this guy quite a bit at meetings in the coming months.  I hope I can keep his real name in mind and not call him Robin, Junior by mistake.  

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