Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! What Are We Grateful For in 2015?

I had to capture this photo of the moment of taking the turkey out of the pan.  Somehow the white meat and the dark meat separated easily.  Sometimes in life moments happen and I just have to enjoy them.      

In alphabetical order we are grateful for "A" names, beds, blankets, cheese, cats, doctors, exercise, electronics, food, furnace, giraffes, home cooked meals, intelligence, just kidding, kayaks, kazoo, long underwear, lakes, monkeys with cymbals, nature, no school, onomotopeoia, peace, paychecks, rocking around the Christmas tree, Sue science, school, telephone, Unicorns!, vacation, wool socks, xerox machine, yougurt and zippers.  No offense to you questioners out there but when I made the alphabetical list for people to fill in, I forgot the letter Q.  I can not explain why.

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