Saturday, November 28, 2015

Moving Robin Crusoe to Her Winter HQ

 Today was the day to move my remaining chicken to her winter headquarters.  She moved off the prairie and closer to the house where she will be warm and snug all winter.  Today was her first day out of the chicken run since July.  She enjoyed being out.
She was scratching on the ground and pecking and eating seeds and walking around.

You can see she has been molting.  She doesn't look so good.  She reminds me of someone undergoing chemotherapy.

After hauling her house and her run across the yard I put fresh wood chips in the house for her with a full container of food and a heat lamp.  I wanted her to go back into her house.  She didn't want to go back in yet.  I chased her. It was ridiculous.  She hid under the deck which is smart because I can't move very fast while ducking my head under there.  Then she hid under the black spruce tree.  That was a very good hiding place. I gave up on chasing.  I tried to lure her with black sunflower seeds.  See the pile there on the air conditioner?  She's looking at the seeds but not falling for my master plan.  I ended up chasing her in the direction of the winter headquarters and she went in willingly.  This took a long time though.

Here she is checking out her new abode and thinking about curtains.

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