Friday, December 2, 2016

Cock-A-Doodle-Do-Do-Do (Or The Truth Is Finally Revealed This Morning).

Since July I have wondered who was a hen and who was a rooster in my flock.  As of this morning at 7:30 I know.  I think I know.  With my first flock of chickens I remember being confused.  I was sure Dwight was a rooster but thought maybe Angela was bisexual.  Turned out Angela was a rooster too. Angela (Or Angelo as he was later named) was a little slower coming into sexual maturity. Now I know more than I did then.  On Sunday I got rid of one Polish rooster.  I knew both Polish chickens with beautiful silver heads were male.  I had one silver and two black headed Polish left.  I knew for sure the silver one and one of the black ones was a rooster.  All week I've been listening to the silver one crow and the black one crow 20 seconds later in a lower tone.  Today was different.  I was up early and heading to the gym at 7:30 when I heard the silver one crow, the black one crow, and a third crow.  Say what?  I pulled my car out of the garage and backed up to get a good view of the chickens.  I lowered my passenger window.  On cue the silver one crowed, one of the black ones crowed and the other black one straightened it's body, stretched it's skinny neck, and let go of a feeble Cock a doodle doo.  I have 3 Polish roosters.  The third one was a little late coming into sexual maturity. What are the chances that 4/4 Polish chicks would be male?  I really shouldn't ask that question. After all I have 5 sisters and 1 brother so I should know better.  Awww!  I kinda wanted a Polish hen. Oh, well.  Now it will be easier to deport the roosters. 

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