Thursday, December 22, 2016

So Grand It's Beyond Comprehension

Have you been to the Grand Canyon?  If not, GO!  It's grand beyond comprehension.  It is one thing to see from an airplane.  I have seen it from an airplane (one of the few passengers who looks out the window from a window seat).  The Grand Canyon is grand from an airplane.  I've seen it from the south rim twice.  Both times it was so grand it took my breath away.  You really can't understand until you've seen it.  I haven't seen it riding a donkey down to the river.  When my hips were flexible enough to ride a donkey I was over the weight limit.  Now that I'm under the weight limit I just don't think my hips would take the punishment.  I have never seen it from the north rim.  That road to the north rim  is closed about half the year.  They say the north rim is also grand but it gets more rain so there is more vegetation and erosion so the cliffs aren't quite as straight down and spectacular but I'd still like to see that someday.  The canyon is just GRAND!  There is no other word for it.  Sit for 20 minutes while your travel companions hike further and contemplate your insignificance in life-good for the soul.  The only possible way I can experience the grandness again is to see it from the north rim OR to see it from a guided whitewater rafting tour through the canyon on the Colorado River.  Both ideas are on my list.

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Book Of The Little Axe

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