Sunday, December 18, 2016


So you get on a plane 5 hours after your usual bedtime. The seats are so uncomfortable ( who had a hip replacement?) that you end up facing the facing the back of plane with your knees against the seat edge and this is more comfortable than sitting down?  See, this is the thing about traveling. Traveling is worth the discomfort, the lack of sleep, the lack of comfort.  Traveling opens you up spiritually.  Cuz you can sleep when you're dead.  Traveling rocks. Here are some birds I saw traveling. This one, in particular, was a model. It loved the camera - my camera, my sister's camera, two bystander's cameras!  Pinion Jay perhaps?

This American dipper made me laugh out loud. It dipped. Every few seconds it would bend it's knees and dip.  Cute as all get out. When the name of a bird matches it's behaviors I have to laugh out loud.  This was at Slide Rock State Park in Arizona.

I'm not sure what this is at Motezuma's Well but it wanted it's picture taken.
Ravens are large and loud out west. This raven was at Arches State Park!

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Book Of The Little Axe

 Lauren Frances-Sharma is the author of Book Of The Little Axe: A Novel. I just finished reading it today. The story starts out in the late ...