Thursday, September 6, 2018

A Boat Load of Carrots

Normally I pick up my CSA (consumer supported agriculture) box on Monday. Because of Labor Day I picked it up today.  I got a boat load of carrots, a few pounds of purple potatoes, four peppers, 8 roma tomatoes, a butternut squash, and a large seedless watermelon (not in the picture). What do I do with all these vegetables?  The tomatoes and peppers are not a problem for me. But who eats 4 pounds of carrots per week?  The weather is turning colder.  Perhaps carrot soup would be good. I can eat an entire watermelon by myself. My chickens love it when they get the rind. I am going to a party this Saturday.  Perhaps I can bring something fresh and delicious.  I have to do something because come Monday afternoon I will get another box of vegetables.

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