Monday, September 3, 2018

No One Is Perfect I Guess

I was late planning the annual canoe trip down the Saint Croix river this year. June was rainy and the river was flooded.  July was the same way. In August finally the river went down far enough to make it safe to travel but then I got busy. Anyway, we went yesterday. Only two people went this year but we still had a ton of fun. Rain poured down on us as we traveled east. We got to Taylor's Falls about 11 o'clock. The handsome young man said it would not rain on us as he rented us one kayak. I chose to believe him. We left the park about 11:20. The water was cold and the river was flowing fast. I asked Offspring #2 if the sand bar would be visible at our traditional lunch spot.  Offspring #2 said it would not be visible which turned out to be correct.  I like to linger by these huge rock cliffs. I find it so peaceful to be on the water next to a giant rock slab. There were maybe a dozen people renting boats on the river today. We paddled by one young man who was slathering his chest with sun block. That was an awkward moment. The sky was overcast. Once in a while the wind blew pretty hard pushing us back up river but then the wind would slow down.  We saw a green heron, some vultures, an eagle, a kingfisher, and a great blue heron. We saw the bridge indicating the Osceola landing way before we thought we would. As I got out of my kayak in Osceola I lost my balance and sat down in the sand.  I said out loud, "I fell on my but in the sand." A man was standing right there looking at his phone. When he heard what I said he panicked and ran over to help me.  I was able to get up on my own but the poor fellow kept apologizing. It wasn't his fault I fell on my but in the sand. No damage though except some sandy pants. We ate lunch in Osceola at 1:15. We weren't sure if we were doing the 3 hour trip or the 6 hour trip.  Since the 3 hour trip took only 2 hours we decided to do the 6 hour trip. We went past many campsites on the river.  Someday I would like to camp overnight on this river. We heard the train so we knew we were approaching the train bridge. No ospreys were on the bridge but the nest, in the center of the bridge, looked to be falling apart.  I suppose the vibrations of the train knock some sticks off the nest. As soon as we came into the private property section of the river I realized I needed a restroom. Poor timing on my part there. We did find a new landing that had an outhouse so we stopped there.  A couple of people were loading their boats into trucks and trailers.  One pair of kayakers said they had put in at  William O'Brien.  I asked them how much further we had to go and they said we would be there in a half hour. That would put us at 4 o'clock and the first shuttle wasn't until 5:40. As soon as we came to the park boundary we stopped paddling and just drifted down river. We commented on the beautiful cardinal flowers. I became so relaxed I got a little bit sleepy. We floated by the big pine tree by the group camp where my nephews climbed so high I freaked out.  We floated by the giant boulder.  I saw a little girl on the boulder and she saw me too.  I said, 'Oh, you are on the giant boulder."  She nodded her head in agreement. I floated by the park bench where a man and woman sat together. We floated by some people fishing for walleyes. We floated slowly and came to the place to get out.  Offspring #2 and I waited for the shuttle bus for about 45 minutes giving us time to eat our snacks and refill our water jugs. I took the shuttle bus by myself. I guess we were the only ones to make it this far.  The driver said there should be more in Osceola and we did pick up 15 or so people.  When I got back to my car in Taylor's Falls I saw I got a ticket for an expired park sticker.  Shucks! The sticker was punched in September so I figured it was good.  I tried to pay the ticket at Interstate park but the office was closed.  I drove to William O'Brien and picked up Offspring #2 and the kayak. That park office was open so I went in to pay my fine.  I met a ranger there that I had met the previous weekend so that was a little embarrassing.  She told me my park sticker expired a year ago in September.  I have been camping illegally for an entire year! Oh, fer crying out loud. I apologized.  I bought a new sticker. What else could I do? No one is perfect I guess.   

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