Tuesday, September 18, 2018


This morning I looked out my bedroom window and saw a black capped chickadee in the black spruce that now resides too close to my house. The little chickadee grabbed a wild grape and popped it in it's mouth.  I didn't know I had wild grapes right there outside my window.  Sometimes I wish I was more observant.  On Sunday morning I mowed the lawn.  As I buzzed the grass next the apple tree I saw a beautiful Haralson apple hanging right there.  With one hand I plucked it off the tree and took a big bite. With apple juice running down my chin I mowed back and forth. I found not a single worm hole in this apple. When I passed the tree again I plucked another apple and stuck it in the pocket of my overalls for later.  By my driveway I have found several large sized puffball mushrooms. I read that if they are white they are edible.  I could try eating one of those. So far I have picked them up and rolled them like bowling balls down the driveway to watch them explode, break into pieces, and send a big puff of mushroom spores into the air.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...