Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Dirty Life

Last night my book club discussed The Dirty Life; A Memoir of Farming, Food and Life by Kristin Kimball. This is an autobiography about a vegetarian writer from Manhattan who goes in interview an organic farmer in Pennsylvania. During the interview she helps him slaughter a pig. A spark is struck. They fall in love, marry, and run an organic farm. They use horses for the farm work. Kristin becomes an omnivore. Mark, the husband, is a hard working fellow and a very good cook. While other farms across the country fail Mark and Kristin make this one succeed. They now have two girls and Kristin is writing a sequel to this story of their first five years on the farm. The sequel is due out in October. Everyone in the book club loved the story. None of us could imagine choosing to marry a man like Mark but we still loved the story. Kristin keeps a blog too, in case you are interested.

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Book Of The Little Axe

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