Thursday, September 19, 2019

Flush It Again!

Tuesday was a loud day in my yard. I hired a contractor to update my septic tank. He came with a Bobcat and a big shovel. He filled in the ditch in my front  yard and moved in his big equipment. With his father's help they dug a huge hole. A septic pumper emptied the old tank which was then crushed by the shovel. 

Another huge truck with a crane lifted the oblong septic tank into place between the two black spruce trees. 

The crane operator is in the lower left with his handheld controls. I watched closely at all this major work being done. At the same time I hired another guy to come and replace my broken garage door opener spring. I had a very busy day while fighting the effects of jet lag. I was reminded of the day 24 years ago when the round septic tank was put in. The tank has to be left uncovered overnight so the city inspector can come and look at the work.The contractors left Tuesday night and their equipment stayed in my yard because they needed it again on Wednesday morning. I was tempted to crawl into that Bobcat and shovel to take a selfie. But no, I didn't. I behaved myself. Twenty four years ago that night that the septic tank remained uncovered, Offspring #1 kept looking into the tank with a flash light asking us to "flush it again!" The wonderful thing about being a parent is observing and relishing your child's curiosity as one child flushes the toilet and the other child stands in the yard looking into a hole and sees the water enter the septic tank. And then they switch places and do it again. That right there is the kind of entertainment you cannot get on television.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...