Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Sell Out

I listened to Paul Beatty's novel The Sell Out this past week. I am sure my face cringed quite a few times while hearing the heavy satire about racism in America. A few times I smiled but I would not describe this book as a comedy. How can a book about a man named Bon bon who tries to reintroduce segregation and slavery into a town called Dickens in the state of California? These are not comedic subjects. One other person in the novel used to be on the very racist television show Spanky and Our Gang. Hominy Jenkins insists on being Bon bon's slave. Bon bon is protective of Hominy. Hominy doesn't do any work for Bon bon but still insists Bon bon is his master Bon bon is called a sell out by a community leader. Maybe Bon bon is a sell out but he is also an urban farmer creating artisan square watermelons and other fruits with exquisite sweetness. Although out of my comfort zone, I did enjoy this book.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...