Sunday, January 28, 2024

Harvesting The Heart

 I have always enjoyed a novel by Jodi Picoult. Harvesting The Heart is different because it does not include a description of a jury trial. Paige is the main character. After graduating from high school in Chicago she leaves her father in Chicago without informing him and takes the train to Cambridge. She gets a job at a local diner and starts to support herself. Paige always wondered why her mother deserted the family when she was 5 years old. Years later, after Paige has given birth to a baby boy three months earlier, she temporarily deserts her family too. Like mother, like daughter? The story of Paige is complicated and full or joy and sorrow. I loved reading this book about family relationships.

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Costa Rica

I took an eco-cruise in Costa Rica. We went to a river outside of Limon City. This is a tiger heron. We were on boats with room for 20 passe...