Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cole Slaw

I picked a cabbage out of the garden this morning after mowing the lawn. So far cabbage is my best crop this year.  I am wondering why I planted six cabbages when I usually buy one a year.  Oh, well, cabbage is good for me because it has lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin A and anti-oxidants.  I shredded the cabbage and shredded a couple carrots.  I like my cole slaw shredded into very small pieces.  I put that in a bowl and sprinkled it with sugar and set it aside.  I made dressing like my Grandma taught me to make coleslaw dressing.  Put some mayonnaise in a bowl.  Add a couple slugs of vinegar.  Sprinkle in some dried dill weed, salt and pepper.  Mix together.  Add a splash or two of milk  (Grandma would have added powdered coffee creamer but I don't have any of that).  Add dressing to salad and stir to combine.  The coleslaw tasted really good.  I've got lots!
PS Chicken Update - Meredith seems fine.  The bare spot on her tail seems smaller.  I think she must be doing a comb-over.  I let both Meredith and Pamela out of the coop for the first time since the fox incident tonight.  I opened the door about 7 o'clock because I wanted to move the coop and run to a fresh spot of grass.  Both chickens were reluctant to leave.  Pamela left first.  Usually Meredith is always the first one out the door.  I stayed with them.  As I moved their coop, the chickens took a dust bath in my flower garden.  For once I didn't get mad at them for disturbing my flowers.  They were very willing to go back into the safety of the coop.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...