Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What Is Too Far?

As I walked through the creative arts section of the fair, I was impressed with much of what I saw. The quilts were amazing.  Wish I knew how to do that.  I enjoyed the textile arts and the paintings.  I saw the sculpture of the man's pants/outdoor grill.  The glass mosaic pieces were inspiring.  Some of the photographs were really good too.  There were many things I would consider buying and displaying in my home.  Some of the art was political.  Some politicians were mocked via art.  I saw Obama mocked once, George W mocked once,  Dick Cheney mocked once, and Michelle Bachman mocked 3 times.  I saw her mocked in sculpture, acrylic painting and seed art.  I am not a Bachman supporter.  I've even considered moving out of the sixth district because of her.  But I don't like it if she is mocked because of her gender.  I think that may be some of what is going on.  Actually she is easy to mock because she says unfortunate things and doesn't want to admit her mistakes.   I just don't want her picked on more than any man who made the same mistakes. 

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...