Sunday, April 14, 2013

Death of a Salesman

A group of us went to see Death of a Salesman at the Lyric Arts theater in Anoka on Saturday night after dinner at Billy's.  The play was very dramatic and moving and I think the production was well done.  The ending made a huge impact.  The salesman, Willy Lomam is quite a sad sack.  He nurses old resentments, he judges others harshly, and he drives himself crazy with his negative inner (and sometimes out loud) monologue.  Willy is very seldom living in the moment.  He has unrealistic high hopes for the future.  He thinks back to events in the past and he has imaginary conversations with his brother.  Willy's wife, Linda, is passive and supportive yet she knows what is really going on.  Linda reminded me a tiny bit of Edith Bunker. Willy's two boys, Biff and Happy cannot measure up to their father's unrealistic expectations.  We enjoyed the play. I think if I had known the weather would continue to be so miserable when I arranged it, I for sure would have chosen something more light hearted.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...