Thursday, April 25, 2013

Those Tiny Chairs

Last night I took a community education class on "Building a Deck."  With nine other students (all guys) we sat in tiny chairs for 2.5 hours talking about joists, cantilevers, building codes,  and stringers.  The instructor was an experienced carpenter and some of what he said was over my head.  But that was fine because I didn't need to know everything about building decks.  The green treated wooden structure under my deck is fine, I only need to put new decking and rails on top.  At 9 o'clock all the students tried to stand up after sitting so long. We all limped for the first few steps.  Like one guy said, "I need a claw hammer to get the underwear out of my butt."

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Just call Don with any questions you may have. He has built many decks! Right now he is trying very hard to work on our shallow sand point well to get it working the way it should. Staci called us in Jan. and told us the well wasn't always producing good pressure. She has not been able to use the washing machine, dishwasher or been able to take more than a two minute shower. So now that we are back in MN Don has his work cut out for him. First we had to get through the snow storms since being back and now the sunny days and warm temps we've had since mid week has been such a welcome. He is trying to pull the old pipe up which is 46ft long so he can put in a new sand point pipe. A very slow process!
Your blog is good humor to me on days I feel so helpless when it comes to helping Don. But, he being a retired carpenter himself would certainly give you some tips. So just ask!!!
Something like *Just ask Sela* hahha

The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...