Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Meredith's Indelicacy

Meredith, my eldest hen and (I thought) the Queen Bee of the flock has an indelicacy. Her rear end is bare.  Could be mites.  Could be canabalism.  It's possible the buff Orpington chicks are plucking her bald back there.  Ouch, it hurts me to think of it.  Maybe they're picking on her which would be too bad because she has been nothing but nice to them.  Whenever she finds a good food source she clucks for them to come and join her.  I sprinkled some mite dust in the coop.  Tonight I will try to smear her bald spot with Vaseline in hopes the other hens won't like the taste of that and leave her alone.  Poor Meredith. She has been through so much.  She was lost for 10 days in early winter.  She was attacked by a gray fox.  Meredith is one tough chick.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...