Sunday, November 27, 2016


Offspring #2 helped me deport one of 3, possibly four roosters.  Sha had the idea to use an old cardboard box which was way better than my ideas because I was pretty sure the rooster would make a mess in that box.  There is a smile on that Amazon box but I'm pretty sure the rooster inside is not smiling.

He doesn't seem happy to leave this overcrowded run and tiny coop.  But he rides quietly to Oak Grove.

Don't despair Mr. Rooster.  My name for him was Donald Trump in part because of the blonde overcomb and in part because I liked the idea of deporting Donald Trump.  But I don't know the political alliances of the new owner so I didn't tell her that.  This is Anoka County after all.  Democrats are scarce. She is an experienced poultry farmer.  She has chickens and in the past she had turkeys and emu's.  Emu's?!?  Wow.  She has also had Polish chicks before so she immediately named this rooster Phil Diller.  Here is Phil Diller in his new spacious coop that he will inhabit with 10 other females of the Americauna, Buff Oprington, and she couldn't remember the other species.  He will be the only rooster.  What an upgrade!  He has a large coop with a light, a very efficient food delivery system and a watering can with nipples ensuring waste free water.  He should thank me for bringing him here to Oak Grove.

Phil Diller, the great comic of the chicken coop, he does thank me.  I don't notice until I get home that I have a big pile of fresh rooster manure on my shoe.

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