Sunday, November 6, 2016

Moving Chickens to Winter Headquarters

I had a plan.. I had a good plan. I would move the chickens out of the house and into the run and shut the door so I could give the coop a thorough cleaning.  That went well.  Next part of the plan was to move the chickens out of the run and into the coop so I could move each part separately to the winter headquarters.  That mostly went well but I forgot to latch the coop door.  My elder stateswoman, Chickenson Caruso opened the door and left.  A female Polish followed her.  I noticed and shut that door quick before all 9 chickens got out. Two escaped chickens I could handle.The Polish chick was easy to catch.  With her feathery topknot she can't see me coming.  I caught her right away.  The other one wouldn't be so easy to catch.  Perhaps she needed a break and a stroll around the yard.  She knows her way around this yard.  She must be smart because she is the last survivor of the Buff Orpingtons.  So I moved the coop and the run without her.  In the photo above you can see her looking into the run from the outside. I hate to move them to the winter headquarters so early but it is November even though the weather feels like September.  With 9 chickens in the run they can turn a piece of fresh grass into a manure mat in a mere 5 days.  But it is time to do this.

Chicken Caruso came home to roost as the sun settled down on the horizon.  Isn't she a beauty?

Chickenson Caruso been a good mother to the young chickens.  She has beautiful eyes and a pretty face.  She looks good!

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