Friday, November 25, 2016

Most Astonishing Results from 2016 Thanksgiving Art Contest

Entrant #1 adds a title asking, "Why did the turkey cross the river? Because it was dared."  That totally refers to me taking off my shoes in October at the Mississippi headwaters.  This artist wins points with the hostess of Thanksgiving but not all of the art critic voters.

This artist has a darker side.  The title says "Happy Thanksgiving" but two of the turkey chicks hold weapons and notice one chick doesn't look like them.

I don't know what medium this artist used but the shiny brown substance looked a lot like gravy.

This artist is using a Despicable Me theme.

This artist makes good use of the color purple. Notice the 3 chicks all look different.  One has a pink mohawk.

I love the color saturation of this contest entry but you can't hope to win at a dinner where only a very small percentage are vegetarians, most of us come from a farming background and you make comments about soylent corn.

This entry is mine.  The chicks are made out of sunflower seeds.  The larger turkey is made out of wild rice, coffee grounds, and oatmeal.  Somebody had too much time on her hands recuperating from a hip replacement, sitting in the sun at the kitchen table, possibly or possibly not imbibing in oxycontin, and using tweezers and glue remembering past trips to the corn palace in Mitchell, South Dakota.
This is one of the 3 entries that the artist took home with him or her.  I'm lucky to get any pictures.  I see rainbows.

This artist also took his or hers home.  There are tiny people in this artwork who are in danger of being gobbled up by the turkeys.  Creative thought process going on here.

I can't read all the words on this one because this artist also took it away but the top line reads "Yes, my children."  Now I would really like to know what else is written.
And the winner is (drum roll please) . . . .
Me! I won the 2016 Thanksgiving Art Contest.  I would like to thank the academy and my parents and my children and my family and opiates which I'm pretty sure played a role in my art this year! Also, thanks to my sister who bought me a box of new coloring pencils along with a Sibley bird coloring book. Thanks to my neighbor who brought me a bag of dried nettle.  I wasn't sure what to do with it so I glued it to the bottom of my art entry. Wow!  Thank you! 

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