Sunday, November 27, 2016

What Are We Grateful For in 2016?

I ask my Thanksgiving guests to fill out a form and we read the list before our meal.  This year we are grateful for Alex, AJ, Abby, Babies, Beanna, Catey, Calvin, Dad, David, Evengeline, Food, Family, Gary, Grandpa, health care, ibuprofen, Janet, Joan, Jeremy, Jenny, Kathleen, Ken, Laura, Lilly, Lucas, Mark, Michelle Matt, movie theater, no shave Nobember, Oxygen, officer, paychecks, quinoa, Ryan, Sam Sean, Scott, Teresa, Tyler, tacos, Unicorns, underwear, violin, work, x-rays, youtube, and Zach.

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Book Of The Little Axe

 Lauren Frances-Sharma is the author of Book Of The Little Axe: A Novel. I just finished reading it today. The story starts out in the late ...