Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Black Walnut

I admit I can be fickle about trees. When I first moved in I liked this black walnut tree. I hung plastic eggs from the branches in the spring. I was happy to see the first walnuts.

Many years have passed and now I want it gone.

I planted those 25 amur maples and now I want them gone too.

My husband planted the blue spruces.I didn't really like where he put them in the front yard but I guess they're ok. At least they don't touch the house or break my things by throwing spruce cones at them.

Will I be able to get boards from this straight black walnut tree? Pay no attention to the leaning white oak. The walnut is behind it.

The state says black walnuts are the most overrated tree. Home owners overestimate their value. The wood of a walnut tree is worth  more if the tree grows up crowded like in a forest. In a lawn there is too much of one kind of wood, I can't remember.

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